Sereno Fenn'a 4/9, 31-143, Kraków
509-241-459, 693-025-046

Treasure hunt

A classic treasure hunt set in the city space. The players make use of maps and instructions recieved at the game’s start to navigate the streets and find various characters who possess parts of the scattered treasure. These can be historical figures, mythical beings or ordinary humans, depending on the game’s theme and mood.


Sample characters that can be encountered are:

  • A medieval knight guarding the treasure on king’s orders. He is willing to share it with the players, but only if they prove their courage and strenght by defeating him in a duel. The fight is conducted using safe training swords.
  • A movie director who is in love with Kraków and its unique atmosphere. As a collector of local heritage he posseses a couple of gems which he will give away in exchange for participating is his newest art project. The players recieve a set of props and lines of dialogue to be incorporated into the play and then, after a few minutes of preparation, act out a scene.
  • A lady in waiting suffering terrible boredom and longing for fun. She misses all the balls and feasts that used to take place at her court, so she offers the players some pearls if they decide to engage in a short dance lesson. The whole group is given easy to follow instructions to a historical dance which they perform after a couple of tries.


The game also includes some written riddles about certain streets and monuments of Kraków. The teams recieve them at the start of the game and write down answer as they make their way through the city. After the time runs out the players gather at the designated spot. Points are awarded for the pieces of treasures that were collected and the riddles that were answered correctly. The team with the highest score is declared the winners and the treasure is taken away to be “displayed in a museum” where it rightfully belongs.